Stop Offshore Drilling off North Carolina's Coast

Drilling for oil and gas off North Carolina's coast presents significant risks with little reward. Tell our decision-makers that you don't want offshore drilling off our coast.

The coast's tourism, recreation, and fishing industries would be significantly threatened by offshore drilling activities. Endangered species, such as the loggerhead sea turtle and right whale, could be put at risk if drilling activities move forward.

Take action today and help us show our state and federal leaders that North Carolinians don't want offshore drilling off our beautiful natural coast.
To whom it may concern:

Drilling for oil and gas off North Carolina's coast presents significant risks with little reward. The coast's tourism, recreation, and fishing industries are dependent upon a healthy environment and thriving natural resources.

NC's coastal waters are home to endangered wildlife, such as the right whale and loggerhead sea turtles. Offshore drilling poses unnecessary risks to their survival. Please oppose drilling off NC's coast.

Instead, please support the development of NC's significant offshore wind resources and help to make North Carolina a national leader in clean energy.

Thank you.

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