Rescue Chimpanzees from Research Labs

Carlos was just one of hundreds of chimpanzees confined in research labs in the U.S.

Despite gaining more protection by changes to the Endangered Species Act in late 2015, many chimpanzees are still awaiting retirement from laboratory settings. These primates are intelligent and social beings who thrive on enriching activities and the bonds they share with others.

Carlos retired to Save the Chimps, where more than 250 chimpanzee residents live on 3-acre island habitats landscaped with grass, trees, hills, and climbing structures. The chimps' days are filled with a variety of enrichment, nutritious fruits and vegetables, and most importantly, the companionship they need to thrive. 

Nearly 700 chimpanzees are still awaiting release from research laboratories. It's time to give chimpanzees the sanctuary they deserve.

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