Tell your lawmakers: Visit a food bank

Hunger looks different in every community. That's why, to understand the urgency of the hunger crisis, lawmakers should witness firsthand how hunger affects our neighbors.

The Feeding America network provides vital support through food banks and programs nationwide, but everyone—including our lawmakers—must do their part to help end hunger. Tackling this issue requires long-term policy solutions that address its root causes.

Lawmakers have the power to drive these solutions—but first, they must truly understand the challenges families face every day.

The best way to help legislators understand the scope of hunger in America is to invite them to see it for themselves.

Urge your lawmakers to visit a food bank in their community and see the impact of hunger and the importance of anti-hunger programs in their community.
Dear [Decision Maker],

As my lawmaker in Congress, you have a unique ability to help people facing hunger across America -- by supporting funding for federal hunger relief programs and policies that address the root cause of hunger.

When you visit a food bank, you begin to see the scope of the problem, as well as the importance and effectiveness of the partnership between government and charity. And you see the faces of those in our community who are counting on you.

Only when communities, nonprofits, corporations and the government work together can we end hunger, which is why your role as a federal legislator is so important. I am asking you to schedule a visit to a food bank to see these programs in operation and learn about how you can strengthen them as a member of Congress.

Contact your local food bank to find a site near you.

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