Don't Back Down - End the War!

Congress is retreating. They are passing a bill that fully funds Bush's war through September and includes no binding restrictions. This isn't a compromise. It's a concession.

Tell Congress that this isn't good enough -- we need a binding plan for withdrawal. We need to make our voices heard. If the President won't end the war and if Congress will not force real change, it is our obligation--our duty as Americans--to speak up.

Please sign the petition and tell your Representative to take action! We've reached our initial goal of 100,000 Americans calling on Congress to stand up to Bush and end the war. But we need to keep climbing. Only massive, direct public pressure can end this war.

Tell your Member of Congress to stand up to President Bush!
As your constituent, I'm asking you to stand up to President Bush and not write another blank check for endless war in Iraq. The president has vetoed funding for the troops, and he's the only one responsible for blocking the resources they need. Please stand firm—support the troops with a plan to end the war and the funding they need to do it.

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