Urge the Government of Armenia to Rescue of Animals Left to Starve in an Abandoned Zoo

Animals including lions and bears have been left to starve in a zoo that has been abandoned by its billionaire founder, according to a report in the Daily Mail.

According to the report: "Animals were bought on a whim by a billionaire Armenian oligarch to parade for his friends at jungle-themed parties."

But the owner has lost interest in the zoo and the animals are now being cared for by an elderly couple who are struggling to feed them - they can only afford to give them scraps from a nearby slaughterhouse.

The animals are showing signs or malnutrition, coupled with behavioural problems associated with being kept in an environment lacking in appropriate activities and stimulation.

Local government authorities have refused to assist with the upkeep of the zoo, which is located in the Armenian town of Gyumri.

The story reports: "Sussex-based animal welfare group International Animal Rescue are trying to raise awareness of the zoo's plight in the hope action will be taken by the authorities in Armenia."

The animals in this zoo deserve a better life! Will you join me in urging the Government of Armenia to assist in their rescue and to work with Sussex-based animal welfare group International Animal Rescue to find them a good home?

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