Leopard Killings in India

Good News: The main culprits have been arrested , now we are demanding the same for the mute spectators called police and forest wardens who stood there like idiots.

Please read this article for action that we are trying to take. Please understand we need your help. Public outcry and outrage works a lot.


Here is a new one even worse, I feel ashamed to be called an Indian anymore.



Dear Sir,

We, the concerned citizens of India, would like to report that in the last few months alone, over six leopards have been surrounded and killed by raging mobs; and most unfortunately even in cases where forest wardens and police officers were present right at the site, watching a helpless leopard lynched to death with sticks and rods; and in some cases even killed it themselves.  We are very anxious to note that no action has been taken against the miscreants, who in the name of resolving man-animal conflict have committed such heinous crimes.  Constant illegal encroachment of land by humans, like near the Aravallis, has lead to this.  As usual man, with his %u201Ckill all take all%u201D mentality is now wiping out everything that threatens them rather than finding a humane solution.
What is even more disconcerting is the silence in the part of the Ministry in taking corrective action. In fact in the recent leopard lynching in Gurgaon, the Deputy Commissioner of Police and the Chief Warden were present on the spot while the mob mercilessly killed the animal.  These horrendous acts totally defy any logic and are also against laws of the country; and sadly not a single person who was captured by photographers beating that animal to death has faced any legal action.

We would like to bring to your notice that people across the world have access to this information and they have expressed their sentiments at the close of this letter.

This unfortunately, without a doubt is the same mob justice mentality of India which rears its ugly head every now and then and it continues to grow only because the law keepers and law makers let these people run scot free.

We urge you to take action against the miscreants under the wildlife protection act 1972.  We also urge the Ministry to instruct the concerned authorities to work with existing wildlife rescue and rehabilitation organizations services to get a rapid response team in place with tranquilising equipment, trap cage, vehicle and place for these leopards. As you might be aware, there are several of these organizations functional and doing very good work in India.

There is a vast majority of us who are very upset with the situation in India where there is absolute disregard of life and we look to you for leading the country into a peaceful path of co-existence.

With regards,

Concerned citizens of India

Concerned people every where
(Signatures enclosed)

Dear Sir,

We, the concerned citizens of India, would like to report that in the last few months alone, over six leopards have been surrounded and killed by raging mobs; and most unfortunately even in cases where forest wardens and police officers were present right at the site, watching a helpless leopard lynched to death with sticks and rods; and in some cases even killed it themselves.  We are very anxious to note that no action has been taken against the miscreants, who in the name of resolving man-animal conflict have committed such heinous crimes.  Constant illegal encroachment of land by humans, like near the Aravallis, has lead to this.  As usual man, with his %u201Ckill all take all%u201D mentality is now wiping out everything that threatens them rather than finding a humane solution.
What is even more disconcerting is the silence in the part of the Ministry in taking corrective action. In fact in the recent leopard lynching in Gurgaon, the Deputy Commissioner of Police and the Chief Warden were present on the spot while the mob mercilessly killed the animal.  These horrendous acts totally defy any logic and are also against laws of the country; and sadly not a single person who was captured by photographers beating that animal to death has faced any legal action.

We would like to bring to your notice that people across the world have access to this information and they have expressed their sentiments at the close of this letter.

This unfortunately, without a doubt is the same mob justice mentality of India which rears its ugly head every now and then and it continues to grow only because the law keepers and law makers let these people run scot free.

We urge you to take action against the miscreants under the wildlife protection act 1972.  We also urge the Ministry to instruct the concerned authorities to work with existing wildlife rescue and rehabilitation organizations services to get a rapid response team in place with tranquilising equipment, trap cage, vehicle and place for these leopards. As you might be aware, there are several of these organizations functional and doing very good work in India.

There is a vast majority of us who are very upset with the situation in India where there is absolute disregard of life and we look to you for leading the country into a peaceful path of co-existence.

With regards,

Concerned citizens of India

Concerned people every where

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