Demand Justice: Hold Factory Farms Accountable for Abandoning Animals in Hurricane Florence

Animals are suffering in Hurricane Florence's floods – and they need your help to make sure this tragedy doesn't happen again.

When civilians flee hurricanes, we rightly evacuate our dogs, cats, and other beloved companion pets. But this didn't happen for Hurricane Florence's forgotten victims: farmed animals.

Over 3.5 MILLION pigs, cows, chickens and other animals died horribly. And the death toll is rising every day.

As the hurricane approached, corporate factory farms like Sanderson and Smithfield did nothing; they left these animals to starve and drown. Trapped and frightened, these animals couldn't escape when floods filled their pens.

The Department of Agriculture won't hold the animal abusers accountable. Instead, your government is going to pay them your tax dollars to "compost" the victims!

This isn't justice. Let's send an unmistakable message to make sure this doesn't happen again.

Take Action: demand factory farms are held accountable for this senseless tragedy!

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