He Microwaved and Drowned Kittens, Then Bought Replacements On Craigslist So No One Would Notice

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: Craigslist CEO Jim Buckmaster
If you've ever browsed the classified ads on Craigslist, you know that you can buy practically anything your heart desires on the website. Unfortunately, one Chicago man's evil desire was to violently torture and kill kittens – and he used Craiglist to find his innocent, tiny victims.

Sign the petition demanding the CEO of Craigslist amend the website's terms of service so that people cannot sell animals!

It's unclear how this horrifying pattern started, but by the time the 22-year-old was caught and stopped, he had killed at least 6 kittens. Some of their mutilated bodies were still in his house; police found them stuffed uncaringly in a bag in the pantry.

Once they had gathered the physical evidence, photo and video proof, and firsthand accounts from the man's girlfriend, the picture started to crystalize. This man would drown a poor kitten in his bathtub, and then buy another one on Craigslist so as not to draw suspicion. Then, he'd do the whole sadistic routine over again -- except, maybe this time, he would microwave the next kitten.

"Kill that one, get a replacement. Kill that one, get a replacement."

Why was this allowed to go on for such a long time?

While it's vitally important that this man was found out and stopped, the truth is that Craigslist could be enabling similar cruelty across the United States. Bottom line: it shouldn't be as easy to buy a living, breathing kitten as it is to buy a piece of furniture or a new shirt.

Craigslist technically prohibits the sale of animals on its website, but there is a "rehoming" loophole that people constantly abuse. For the sake of every animal listed on Craigslist, this loophole must be sealed tight!

Sign the petition to Jim Buckmaster, the CEO of Craigslist, and demand that he address this concerning situation by closing the animal rehoming loophole!
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