Obama: Stand Up for Gay Americans, Say No to Rick Warren

  • av: Care2
  • mottagare: President-Elect Obama; Parag Mehta, LGBT liasion on Obama-Biden transition team
We are deeply disappointed in President-Elect Obama's decision to choose Pastor Rick Warren to deliver the invocation at the inauguration in January. Pastor Warren is an outspoken opponent of gay and lesbian equality. Pastor Warren's public support for California's Proposition 8 sends a clear message that he believes loving, committed gay and lesbian couples are second-class citizens in America.

Equality for gay and lesbian Americans is a fundamental civil and human rights issue, not a matter of "disagreement" that can be ignored for issues of political expediency. We strongly urge President-Elect Obama to reconsider his decision and choose a faith leader who supports equality for all Americans to deliver the invocation at this historic inauguration.
Dear President-Elect Obama and members of the Obama-Biden transition team:

I am deeply disappointed in your team's decision to choose Pastor Rick Warren to deliver the invocation at the inauguration in January. Pastor Warren is an outspoken opponent of gay and lesbian equality. Through his public support for California's Proposition 8, he sent a clear message that he believes loving, committed, gay and lesbian couples are second-class citizens in America.

President-Elect Obama states that he "disagrees" with Pastor Warren on gay rights issues but that Pastor Warren's selection is a matter of "outreach." I couldn't disagree more. Equality for gay and lesbian Americans is not a simple matter of disagreement; it is a fundamental human and civil rights issue and not something to be glossed over and ignored.

I strongly urge you to reconsider your decision and choose a faith leader who supports equality for all Americans to deliver the invocation at this historic inauguration.
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