Tell RFK Jr. to DROP OUT of the presidential race

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is running as an independent candidate, and while he has no real path to the presidency, and plenty of crazy ideas, his presence on the ballot could do serious damage and hand Trump a win. 

Trump is well aware of this, and is counting on third-party candidates to take votes away from Biden in swing states where a win could come down to a handful of votes. A campaign staffer for RFK Jr. even said that her "number one priority" was to "get rid of Biden" by making it easier for Trump to win. 

RFK Jr's candidacy just gives Trump a clearer path to the White House, and we can't afford to take that risk. He needs to drop out now, for the sake of our country, and our democracy. 

Sign Your Name: Tell RFK Jr. to DROP OUT of the presidential race >>

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