Three teen girls burned dog alive twice and need juvenile hall time as well as counseling

  • av: Carolyn Mullin
  • mottagare: J. Schuyler Marvin, Prosecuting Attorney, Bossier Parish Courthouse
Three teen girls burned dog alive twice and need juvenile hall time as well as madatory psychological counseling.
Six people have been arrested in this
abuse crime that grew from the burning of two pet dogs in Bossier Parish.
They have been charged with cruelty to the animal(s) but no convictions have been made yet to this point.

We petition that the prosecuting attorney J. Schuyler Marvin prosecute this case to the fullest extent of the law, and recommend juvenile hall time as well as mandatory psychological counseling if these youths are convicted. There should also be some kind of work program for these girls to pay restitution for their willfull abuse to these dogs.
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