Tell Big Banks: Party's Over

The era of "too big to fail" must end. It is time to hold banks accountable for gambling with the American Dream.

Reckless decisions and consumer abuse and deceit should be against the law, and we need to make sure the laws are enforced to protect Americans from devastating "bailouts" and economic disaster.

It's time to hold the Big Banks accountable for this crisis; for lost jobs and homes. We need a financial system that works for American families. Tell your senators to support strong reforms that put everyday people before Wall Street profits.
Dear Senator,

I support strong financial reform legislation that puts an end to the casino economy on Wall Street, creates an effective, independent Consumer Financial Protection Agency, and ends the era of taxpayer bailouts.

I oppose carve outs, loopholes, and exemptions that will undermine a fair and open playing field. I expect you to do the same.

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