No one deserves to live on the street. Rent should be affordable!

The cost of living has skyrocketed over the last few years, causing many people to struggle, even to the point of experiencing homelessness.
In Montreal, July 1st is historically known as "Moving Day," when leases end and renters vacate their premises. But these days, a large number of people moving are those forced to find new homes due to the lack of affordability.
Those with regular incomes who were once able to purchase homes no longer can, and those on fixed incomes, seniors like Pierre, never know when they will be priced out of their rentals.
Like many people in Montreal, Pierre was pushed out of his home after living there for years. As an elderly man, he's living on a fixed income. So when his building was renovated and rent skyrocketed, he could no longer afford to live there. You can imagine his dismay when he tried to find a new home and saw that everything in the area had become so expensive that he had no options for housing at all.
Pierre couldn't believe it — he was homeless.
Fortunately, Welcome Hall Mission was able to step in and help him and many others who end up in the same position.
For over 150 years, Welcome Hall Mission has been working to eliminate poverty in Montreal. Through partnerships, government consultation, and programs that directly empower Montrealers, we believe that everyone in our city should have the chance to thrive.
The housing situation is difficult right now, and the cost of living keeps rising. But thanks to community support, our programs focus on long-term solutions that are getting people out of poverty, off the street and into affordable housing.
No one should be forced out of their home and have to survive on the street. If you believe this too, please sign our pledge today to show your support for affordable housing initiatives that transform quality of life in Montreal!
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