Demand that Norway stop killing off endangered Wolves, Now !

Norway have decided to kill almost all Wolves inside the country boarders. This undemocratic decision follows other decisions made against predators in Norway, such as Lynx and Wolverines. Norway looks upon itself as being a Country of importance and high Ethical standards when representing itself to the outer World. But the reality is very different. Sign with me to try help saving our precious Wolves NOW !!

Uppdatera #38 år sedan
Hello every Signer :) Thanks for your engagement in my Petition. As you maybe already know, there have been several petitions regarding the killing off the Wolves in Norway. Still, I want to continue my Petition for a while, because the Government will start the big hunt in January. So if you haven`t done it yet,- please send the Petitions to all your Social Networks, Mail it to friends and Contacts etc. Best Regards from Guri-Kristine Mundal
Uppdatera #28 år sedan
Thanks again for your Support. There are two more petitions going on about this killing off the
Norwegian Wolves. One of these you can find here at Care2. Another one you can find at: These are bigger petitions from different groups. It would be nice if you could consider these ones too.
Guri-Kristine Mundal
Uppdatera #18 år sedan
Thank you :)
I am very grateful for your Signatures and insightful Comments regarding the Norwegian Government decision that they will start Extermination of our Wolves 1st Januar 2017 !!
At this Stage in the Petition Period, I would be very Grateful if you can share the Petition on your Social Platforms, including E-mails etc.
Nice Weekend to you all :)
Guri-Kristine Mundal

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