This petition relates to the wanton and cruel legal and illegal killing of our wild life. Use of agonising poison 1080, duck shooting, kangaroo shooting, killing of many different native bird species, lack of protections and securing of Dingoes( poisoning and shooting of an animal that is definitely not a " wild dog", but closely related to wolves). Solutions do exist but have never been persued by this or any other government.:
We believe the only time a native species should ever be deliberately humanely culled and have the sanction of this government is in order to ensure the survival of that or another native species.
We insist that this government follow the recommendations and statements and requirements as set out in their own documents and that:
1. "ALL practical non lethal methods must be used" prior to any individual applying for a lethal permit:
We insist that ALL wildlife in Victoria is fully protected and under no circumstances will any native species be managed by any form of culling. In addition to the methods listed in the non lethal category of ATCW permits we demand inclusion of the following non lethal methods of controlling wildlife.
We insist that ALL information is provided regarding every non lethal method of control.:. we insist that fertility control, fencing :other than barbed wire, use of companion guardian animals, alternative feed sources, relocation, use of nonlethal pellets and All types on non lethal equipment available, the success of predator prey response and trained handler and raptors, securing working dogs and pets at times when stock are most likely targeted as prey.
We insist that all staff are trained and educated in the use of these and other methods and that staff and any agents working on behalf on any government department also use these non lethal alternatives.
2. The use of the dangerous and barbaric (class 7 poison banned in many countries... NZ and Australia defend the use of this almost exclusively )Demand that the use of 1080 cease immediately. Death occurs after excruciating agony. Secondary poisoning is well known and all our native species can and often are affected and poisoned also.
We insist on the immediate banning of 1080 pellets.
3.The target animal.. "wilddogs" kills our beloved Dingos. That this government ignores the vital importance of this animal to our ecology and also ignores the fact that it is recognised as a native species by the IUCN and listed as vulnerable. It does not protect this animal.. instead it poisons and allows it to be shot and even has a $ 120 bounty on its head. The dingo if assessed in Victoria would most likely be be found to be highly endangered. We can be assured of its extinction in the wild if the government encourages this animal to be hunted and poisoned.
We demand protection for Canis Dingo and jnvestigating into the reintroduction of to address the feral animal predation on our other native animals.
4. Duck season just opened this year and many illegal species were shot including endangered species, incuding Frecked Ducks, and many other species of native birds.
70 injured ducks and duckings were taken to vets on day one in the first hours from just one wetland and this is occurring all over the State. Volunteer rescuers reported it was nothing short of a bloodbath. And there are 3 weeks of this. We demand that this government ban duck shooting and discontinue ignoring the vast majority of Australians Victorians and bird lovers all over the world.
Opening weekend saw over 800 dead birds including many highly endangered ducks species and other illegal bird species weredelivered to the steps of Parliament on Monday.. the most displayed in 31 yrs by rescuers. And that will be just a fraction of the total.
Stop the bloodbath. Stop the hundreds of ducks being left to rot, stop pretending this is game and that these shooters eat all their killed and maimed birds. Stop defending the appalling degradation of our fragile wetlands, stop these hunters preventing all other Victorians and visitors to our State from being able to safely enter natural areas and take advantage of its beauty over the hunting season, stop ignoring the fact that many highly endangered birds are and have been killed. , maimed, and their ducklings left abandoned, stop ignoring the distress and amount of work done by volunteer vets, rescuers, careers and wildlife shelters all over the State by allowing Duck shooting to continue.
There are 26,000 hunters with licenses, plus the underage and overseas visitors. The government increased the daily bag limit to ten per day and there has and is many breaches in numbers and all areas of compliance.
BAN duck shooting in this State.
5. Kangaroos and Wallabies are shot and sometimes bludgeoned including their joeys. It is not as they say, humane, animals are more often shot in the body have jaws and limbs shot then clubbed or shot again. Joeys are swung and killed or clubbed frequently.. animals are wounded. Many of these shooters are not professional shortest who can shoot an animal with a clean head shot. The animals do not sit still and let people take aim. It's like saying you can hit a bullseye on a dartboard while it is swinging through the air on a pendulum.
:Culling of Kangaroos by or on behalf of the government- 24,885.( 2016/2017))
We demand the Victorian government cease all culling of Kangaroos and from all attempts to profit from this practice and supporting the numerous professional and other shooters who earn up to a $1000 per day slaughtering kangaroos.
This meat is wild meat. The animals have parasites eggs pathogens. Kangaroo populations have several times been decimated by an illness not yet identified. This is not, contrary to those who profit from the sale of meat.. healthy. In fact the carcasses have to be tagged to indentfy the source.. to trace it .. because of the risks of contamination.
Supporters claim this will make use of meat from animals culled. They do ---shooters take the skinned carcasses to game food butchers and outlets in every State. Its a very busy business.
However the animals should not be culled in the first place. A look through information will soon explain what is happening.. there is clear idea that governments wish to profit as much as possible for the large overseas markets and encourage increased production of wild meats for the pet food and restaurant trade locally and internationally
(There are moves in one State to sell Dingo meat.)
There is information re how to best get Canada to resume importing kangaroo meat after Canada country banned it because of a contamination case.
Currently the huge push is to sell as much as possible to the largest potential overseas markets in China and other countries.
We Insist that Kangaroo culling cease. These are not able to be ethically farmed. If this government wants to profit in any way from wild meats.. we insist that only introduced feral species are used and subject to bounty and shooting.
Duck shooting is banned in several States as it should be. However this government does not appreciate the beauty of our wildlife. Value it or address the issues re fragile habitats and all species that rely on it or attempt to ensure compliance re species shot, number shot, and where ducklings or injured ducks have been taken and rescued to carers or vets. They exempt juvenile and overseas visitors from requiring a license. The license supplied adult residents get is for life and the person has to achieve only 75% to pass a species ID requirements.
Population data is either deficient or virtually absent( Canis Dingo) so it is impossible to state the status of any species and as reported in the State of the Environment report recently... All data is a matter of concern regarding Biodiversity and flora and fauna. Including our most highly endangered species. All data should be current and readily available for all individual and authourites and organisations and all government officers who rely on data to guarantee that proper protections are in place and compliance with legislation is enforced.
This States opportunities in ecotourism need to be fully assessed and the attraction of seeing our iconic species and peaceful wetlands and wilderness areas and values to Australian residents and visitors from overseas, advantages re health and schools and education in all fields and areas regarding outdoor activities( other than hunting) be assessed regarding the States assets and potential benefits and job opportunities that are simply so very much undervalued.
We acknowledge Indigenous culture and acknowledge Country and respect all native animal totems. We also respect the traditional and sustainable use of bush tucker.
We ask this government to respect all Victorian residents and address the issues raised in this petition.
The urgency cannot be underestimated and the wrongs and injustices inflicted on our native much loved animals simply has to stop.
Please sign and share and help us to save our wildlife that lives no where else in the entire world for future generations.
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