Johnstown, PA Woman Cited and Fined for Feeding Starving Strays During Record-Breaking Cold.

  • av: JoAnne Klein
  • mottagare: The Honorable Leonard Grecek, Frank K. Janakovic, Mayor, Chief Craig Foust, Police Department

The picture illustrates the "dangerous and unlawfull" place, invisible due to the gate covering it, about which justified the issuance of a citation and fine.  DANGEROUS AND UNLAWFUL?  The Johnstown officials are being asked to null and void this citation and fine. Please sign this petition and show your support for Carol Dennis, a kind and caring individual who was surely not breaking any laws. It should have been obvious to the Animal Control Officer that Carol had not demonstrated any malicious intent by her actions  - only compassion to kittens that would have starved to death in the brutal winter of 2013.

During a blizzard with minus 20 degree temps an older (70) disabled woman, Carol Dennis, saw three starving tiny kittens huddled against the door of her back porch. Carol provided a small box/carrier with a bit of food so the stray kittens could gain some protection from that intensely brutal record-breaking and lengthy weather of extreme temperature lows.  Bear in mind that the modestly-sized shelter was located strictly and specifically confined UNDER her own private back porch and that as soon as the kittens consumed the food, the containers were removed. Abruptly appearing at her door was Animal Control Officer Patty Shannon. She refused to hear any explanation. Mrs. Dennis tried to explain that her animal trap had been stolen, and that she was feeding them in order to capture spay/neuter, vaccinate and re-locate them.  Officer Shannon would have none of it. She just continued issuing the “Non-Traffic Citation Summons" “UNLAWFUL DEPOSITS ON PUBLIC AND PRIVATE PROPERTY" under City Ordinance 3599.

Although Officer Shannon would not say it appears that a neighbor reported “this serious and dangerous activity” to Animal Control. If one reads the texts as written within the Ordinance and Code Enforcement tenets, there is no justification for issuing this summons. Further, if one reaches further into City of Johnstown’s Code Enforcement and/or City Mission Statement, one can clearly understand this ordinance targets feeding dangerous wild life and/or dumping rotting foodstuffs tossed onto the streets or into a private back yard. Briefly stated: Code Enforcement concerns cover the following: “high grass, missing windows, and unsanitary conditions as well as monitor their areas for violations and investigate any complaints of improper property maintenance made by neighbors…”.   There are more questions than answers. For a more detailed accounting of the event, please read the full petition.

During a blizzard with minus 20 degree temps an older (70) disabled woman, Carol Dennis, saw three starving tiny kittens huddled against the door of her back porch. Carol provided a small box/carrier with a bit of food so the stray kittens could gain some protection from that intensely brutal record-breaking and lengthy weather of extreme temperature lows.  Bear in mind that the modestly-sized shelter was located strictly and specifically confined UNDER her own private back porch of the home she rents and that as soon as the kittens consumed the food, the containers were removed. Abruptly appearing at her door was Animal Control Officer Patty Shannon. She refused to hear any explanation. Mrs. Dennis tried to explain that her animal trap had been stolen, and that she was feeding them in order to capture spay/neuter, vaccinate and re-locate them.  Officer Shannon would have none of it. She just continued issuing the “Non-Traffic Citation Summons" “UNLAWFUL DEPOSITS ON PUBLIC AND PRIVATE PROPERTY" under City Ordinance 3599.

Although Officer Shannon would not say it appears that a neighbor reported “this serious and dangerous activity” to Animal Control. If one reads the texts as written within the Ordinance and Code Enforcement tenets, there is no justification for issuing this summons. Further, if one reaches further into City of Johnstown’s Code Enforcement and/or City Mission Statement, one can clearly understand this ordinance targets feeding dangerous wild life and/or dumping rotting foodstuffs tossed onto the streets or into a private back yard. Briefly stated: Code Enforcement concerns cover the following: “high grass, missing windows, and unsanitary conditions as well as monitor their areas for violations and investigate any complaints of improper property maintenance made by neighbors…”.   There are more questions than answers. For a more detailed accounting of the event, please read the full petition.

Having read this ordinance, and considering the circumstances the questions begging for answers are: What was Officer Shannon doing in Carol’s back yard (which incidentally backs up to a treed area by the river)? Is it not a compassionate effort to help out in times of distress for human OR animal? Under what specific action did Officer Shannon identify that feeding 3 kittens was illegal requiring the issuance of this “deadly” infraction? What can possibly be threatening, hazardous, or otherwise damaging effects committed by 3 kittens? On the Notice, Officer Shannon indicated the following: Person did place or deposit (cat food) other substance that will attract rates, mice, roaches, pigeons or may endanger the health of people of the city on private property.Amount of fine: $146. And, based upon the assumption that it may have been a neighbor who submitted a complaint, was Officer Shannon required to issue that Citation?

Does this mean one may not feed pets on their own property? How does a small dish of cat food placed on private property represent a hazard? Since snow and ice is a hazard to the public will Officer Shannon issue a citation to Mother Nature? Or God? Is this so serious as to cause the issuance of a court summons AND fine of $150.00? Where is recognition for compassion? Mrs. Dennis tried to explain that her animal trap had been stolen, and that she was feeding them in order to capture spay/neuter, vaccinate and re-locate them.

The following is a direct copy of the ordinance,


City Ordinance.3599 The City of Johnstown, PA’s seriously outdated 50 year old ordinance reads in part


(Ord. 3599 .  Passed 3-17-64.)

(a)     No person shall throw, place or deposit any food, garbage or other substance upon the public streets or alleys, upon any other public property, in any container of the City or upon any private property in the City, which food, garbage or other substance will attract rats, mice, roaches, pigeons and other birds or may endanger the health of the people of the City or interfere with the use of their property.

 (b)   No person shall cast upon or discharge into or upon any of the streets, alleys or public places in the City any animal carcass, fish, garbage, broken glass, crockery, china, nails or any other kind of material that may wound, bruise or maim man or beast, or any vegetables, fruits, vegetable and fruit peelings, rinds and shells, ashes, dirt, rubbish, snow, pasteboard boxes, paper, advertisements, handbills, showbills, waste paper, sweepings or soapy water, or suffer the same to be or remain deposited in any location in any of such streets, alleys or public places.

The Johnstown officials are being asked to null and void this citation and fine. Please sign this petition and show your support for Carol Dennis, a kind and caring individual who was surely not breaking any laws. It should have been obvious to the Animal Control Officer that Carol had not demonstrated any malicious intent by her actions  - only compassion to kittens that would have starved to death in the brutal winter of 2013.


Uppdatera #110 år sedan
Please continue to help support her actions by circulating this petition through various social media outlets and among friends and acquaintances.
Remembering 2013-14 as being the worst and most brutal winter, the wrath of Mother Nature was relentless. It was during this dreadful cold that Carol Dennis of Johnstown, PA, found, fed, and sheltered 3 tiny stray kittens on her back porch. Citing grounds of a “Dangerous and Unlawful” action Carol was issued a citation and fine of $150. REALLY?

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