• av: Alec Hopf
  • mottagare: The Rt. Hon David Cameron

Every day in the UK, countless numbers of pigeons, badgers, foxes amongst other mammals are barbarically shot and slaughtered. People should sign this petition, because if no one is going to stop such unnecessary killing, then who on earth is? Some of these innocent and such majestic creatures are shot for the fun of it! How barbaric! And others are shot, because of a long running cultural killing. How anyone can do this to such poor creatures, is just indescribable! This petition is EXTREMELY URGENT, as all of the animals described above and so many more will be shot in days. Please, Please, please sign this petition, to help it reach it's target of 100,000 signatures, to be debated in Parliament. PLEASE forward this petition to anyone you know and thank you for taking the 30 seconds to sign this crucial and urgent petition. Thank you.

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