Save Beacon Hill's Myrtle the Turtle!

Please sign the petition to prevent the City of Boston from taking away Myrtle the Turtle in the Myrtle Street Playground in Beacon Hill. Myrtle is a bronze created by Nancy Schön for our community to be enjoyed by children now and for generations to come. The City should install a simple playground shade structure like they do in their other parks, not remove Myrtle! Please help!

Uppdatera #25 år sedan
Good news! With active community support including the Beacon Hill Garden Club, sculptor Nancy Schön and the Boston Parks and Recreation Department, Myrtle the Turtle moved within the playground to a new shady location. While not accessible for children to play on, Myrtle has a new flower encircled nest where she can greet children and remind us all of the sea turtle's plight in the wild.
Uppdatera #15 år sedan
Due to overwhelming community support for Myrtle, our bronze turtle will stay in the Myrtle Street Playground for children to enjoy and learn for generations to come. The City of Boston Parks and Recreation Department is currently working diligently on the installation of a shade structure as well as options to plant more trees in the playground. Thank you so much for signing the petition and the City's amazing response!

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