Tell Olive Garden to Treat Workers, Animals and Environment Humanely

  • av: Rebecca Dworkin
  • mottagare: Gene Lee, President & Chief Executive Officer of Darden Restaurant Inc. (DRI)
Darden Restaurant Inc. (DRI), the nation’s largest full-service restaurant employer and parent company of Olive Garden, can and should do more to protect animals, the environment and workers by substantially improving its food sourcing and labor practices.

It’s clear that there is a major disconnect between the company’s rhetoric on strong animal and social welfare, workers’ rights and environmental protection, and the actual impacts of its food sourcing and labor management practices.

We need to ask Darden to adopt better labor practices and greener menus that support the well-being of its customers, its workers, farmers, animals and our environment. Darden claims it serves more than 320 million meals a year. Think of the enormous impact better practices could have on animals, people and our planet.

Instead of issuing more general claims about its practices, Darden should make clear, specific commitments to animal welfare, environmental sustainability, and fair labor practices.

It’s time to turn rhetoric into action.
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