• av: Jim Douglas
  • mottagare: WGN Radio; Prospective radio producers; devoted listeners

As most listeners to Dr. Milton Rosenberg's celebrated radio show know, on December 20, 2012, Extension 720 was unceremoniously cancelled by WGN RAdio's new management after 39 years.  Moreover, the extensive archive of past shows available for download is now unavailable.  We believe that Dr. Rosenberg and the archives of his shows are vital and irreplaceable education resources. 

The purpose of this petition is to provide quantitative indication of the extent of support that Dr. Rosenberg continues to enjoy.  The ultimate goals are fourfold: (1) to convince WGN to reinstate Extension 720 and Milt Rosenberg; (2) to convince WGN to make available the show's archives in their entirety; or failing that, (3) to provide incentive for any other radio that might produce a similar show with Dr. Rosenberg; and (4) to convince WGN to negotitate the transfer of the show's archives to Dr. Rosenberg.    Help us bring back Dr. Milt Rosenberg.

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