Laughing Teenagers Gouge Out Cat’s Eye! Demand a Harsh Penalty And JUSTICE FOR OREO!

  • av: maria seabra
  • mottagare: RSPCA, Greater Manchester Police, Chief Constable Ian Hopkins

A FAMILY whose cat had its eye gouged out by teenage yobs is offering a reward to help catch the attackers.

Their pet cat Oreo was left with one eye hanging out following the attack near his home off Keb Lane in Bardsley.

The eye was later removed by a vet.

Natasha Truelove (26) and her family are offering £100 to anyone who can can provide valuable information on this case. They want the teenagers punished for laughing as they carried out the horrific torment on 18-month-old Oreo last Thursday.

Take action and demand punishment for the sick bastards and make sure OREO gets justice! These acts of cruelty are not accepted and the teenagers must be prosecuted at the fullest extent of the law for tormenting and injuring the defenseless animal! Please act now!

Created by Christian Charles

Uppdatera #28 år sedan
Thank you for all the effort. Please continue to share and sign because we all want justice for Oreo.
Uppdatera #18 år sedan
Thank you for signed ans shared.

Please continue to share to make justice!
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