Sign your name to demand the Senate bring the no-knock warrant ban to a vote!

  • av: OD Action
  • mottagare: The United States Congress

On February 2nd, Minneapolis police burst into a house without warning and disturbed Amir Locke, who was asleep on the couch. Not knowing what was going on, Locke picked up the gun that he legally owned and was immediately shot to death by the police.

A similar situation unfolded last year in Louisville, KY, when police burst into the wrong home and startled the occupants, leading to the police to blindly open fire and fatally shoot medical worker Breonna Taylor six times. 

After Breonna's murder, Sen. Rand Paul introduced the "Justice For Breonna Act" to ban no-knock warrants across the country — but the Senate wouldn't even bring it out of committee.

Tell the Senate to bring the Justice for Breonna Act up for a vote!

No-knock warrants are unnecessarily dangerous for both the police and the subject of their warrants — at least 94 people have died during no-knock warrant raids from 2010 to 2016. 

Time and time again, we've seen American police shoot first and ask questions later in even the calmest of settings, especially when Black Americans are involved. It's long past time we stopped putting them in situations that force instant life-or-death decisions.

Sign your name to tell Congress to vote on the Justice for Breonna Act!

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