In February 2016, our beautiful girl Cee Cee was seized by police because of her breed and the current Breed Specific Legislation. She was tragically ripped from our family home, and taken to a tiny, cramped, concrete kennel, where she is alone. We have not seen Cee Cee since this day, and on April 12th 2016, her fate will be decided.
Cee Cee is a wonderful, loving and gentle family pet, who has been part of our family for the past four years. She has been diligently trained and is exceptionally obedient and mild mannered. Cee Cee is incredibly friendly with every dog and human she meets, especially children. In fact, she thrives on this social interaction, and is adored by all that know her. Cee Cee has never shown any signs of aggression, and all she has known is love. In fact, Cee Cee is an incredible support to my son. She is his lifeline.
Breed Specific Legislation was enacted in 1991 in the United Kingdom as a knee jerk reaction to owners who trained their Pit bulls and certain other breeds of dog to become aggressive. Instead of targeting the owners, the Government focuses on the dogs themselves, by putting them to death.This is despite the fact that the majority of these dogs are gentle, loving, affectionate and friendly family dogs, and completely innocent of any wrong doing. Indeed, The RSPCA has said that The Dangerous Dogs Act needs to be changed to focus instead on owners, but despite the complete failure of BSL in the UK, the UK Government continue to think they know better. Not only is Breed Specific Legislation unjust and discriminatory, being likened to genocide, but it causes incredible heartbreak to families who have had their family member taken from them.
Please ask DEFRA to reconsider the ineffective legislation that led to Cee Cee being seized, and please ask Bromley Magistrates Court to answer with responsibility and compassion when deciding the future of our beloved, gentle family pet.
To lose Cee Cee would be a travesty of justice. PLease help bring our beautiful girl home.
Dear Honourable Judge,
We present to you a petition asking that Cee Cee, our beloved family member, return home to her owner James Dunnett.
Cee Cee was seized in February 2016 under the "Dangerous Dog Act" because of her breed, and has been held in kennels in an undisclosed location ever since. She has not demonstrated any aggression during this period of incarceration.
Cee Cee is an extremely well loved family member, and in all her four years has never shown any signs of aggression. She is just a sweet and gentle girl.
We implore you to consider with understanding and compassion, that Cee Cee be exempted, and be allowed to return home to where she belongs, following the exemption process.
Thank you Sir, for taking the time to read this letter and accompanying petition.
Shona Dyer
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