Someone Threw Away These Dogs Like Trash, Dumping Them Without Caring if They Lived or Died

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: Millville & Vineland Police Departments, Cumberland County, New Jersey

Tethered to a tree and starved to half her weight. Tied up in urine-soaked bags and thrown away along railroad tracks. This is how sweet pups Ladybug and Coco were found, just 5 days apart in Cumberland County, New Jersey. 

Sign the petition asking local authorities to find whoever is illegally and cruelly dumping dogs in New Jersey!

Abandoning dogs like this is illegal in New Jersey, and rightly so. Shelters exist for this very reason – to take in animals that can no longer be cared for, regardless of reason. The South Jersey Regional Animal Shelter, where Coco and Ladybug went after they were rescued, even "offers a community outreach program to address issues that may cause a person to give up their pet." 

The evidence of neglect in poor Ladybug and Coco's lives before they were dumped is heartbreakingly clear. Ladybug, a brindle pittie described as "ridiculously sweet and adorable" by caretakers at the shelter, had bones sticking out of her skin when she was found tied to a tree. She was 26 pounds; a dog of her size is healthy at closer to 50. 

The cruelty against Coco the chihuahua was far more represented in the way she was dumped. Crammed into a duffel bag that the sweet dog soaked with her urine, out of fear or because of time passed or both, she was then tied into multiple other shopping bags. It's a miracle that anyone even noticed her next to those train tracks and saved her life.

It's unclear if Coco and Ladybug's cases are related. But one thing is extremely clear – whoever abandoned these sweet dogs to die needs to be found before another pup ends up abandoned or even worse, dead. There is no excuse for dog dumping. Period.

Sign the petition to ask police to find this South Jersey dog dumper, and get them the help they obviously need!

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