I recently was approved to help rescue from the NYACC (animal care center) which is a very high kill shelter. Some dogs only have 72 hours to find homes. This so called "shelter" is a death sentence. No sanitization is done or precautions to keep other animals from getting sick such as the "kennel cough". I recently rescued 2 dogs from there who came in healthy, perfectly mannered dogs who came out sick. They were going to be killed for no reason other then having a curable sickness. The NYACC has been reprimanded before for the poor practices with unaccounted vaccines, expired vaccines, not storing them properly. As well as the poor care they are giving these poor cats, dogs, kittens and puppies who are surrendered for no fault of their own to this certain death. They also only post the "kill list" at 6pm in the evening and start killing at 1pm the next day, which gives the few rescues they allow to pull from there no chance in saving them. They make it virtually impossible to save anyone. Just recently in 11 days they killed 46 dogs alone. This needs to change, they need to be held to higher standards and rules! Please join me in this petition to be an advocate for these poor furries who virtually have no chance in making it out alive! I usually don't have a lot to say about things, but now being on the front lines and seeing this hell hole and the 2 I recently pulled who are perfectly good dogs who def deserve a second chance at life!

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