Debate question for Presidential Candidates concerning Animal Rights

  • av: Robert Monk
  • mottagare: All American voters, Presidential Candidates,,,,

We must protect animals from commercial profiteers. Animals are exploited, tortured, and murdered for profit. This must Stop.  Animal rights must be a goal of every politician we elect.


Presidential Debate Question, "Candidate___________, if you are elected, what will you do to protect animal rights?"

Uppdatera #59 år sedan
Knowng how how a person responds to animal cruelty says who that person really is. Let's ask the presidential candidates what their positions are on animal rights so that we can know better who they are.
Uppdatera #49 år sedan
Televised debates begin tomorrow. I hope the question of animal rights is presented to the candidates.
Uppdatera #39 år sedan
The political climate and awareness is right to act now. If we hesitate, animal rights will disappear in the fog. Please sign and share.
Uppdatera #29 år sedan
Please sign and share
Uppdatera #19 år sedan
Added this picture from a free site that provides and supports animal rights. Thank you.
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