Boycott Toyota for funding Republican insurrectionists!

Trump's deadly Capitol insurrection on January 6, 2021, changed the trajectory of our country. Firsthand accounts of elected officials and their staffs present during the storm of the Capitol recount chaos and fear. It should be easy to see why this was an attack on our democracy.

Then, why would a corporate PAC like Toyota want to donate $55,000 to 37 different GOP election objectors since the insurrection?

Sign here to call for a Toyota boycott in response to their outrageous donations to GOP who incited a violent attack on our democracy! 

Talk is cheap. Companies give their money to causes they invest in, and Toyota is investing in officials who took part in a violent attempt to overthrow our democratically elected government. 

A spokesperson for Toyota said they "do not believe it is appropriate to judge members of Congress solely based on their votes on the electoral certification." But if it's unfair to judge an elected official based on their efforts to undermine democracy, what exactly would be fair?

If Toyota has the money to fund anti-democracy conspiracy theorists, they don't need our business. Add your name to call for a Toyota boycott!

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