Save the Ice Rink in Culver City

Please sign our petition to let the city and the world know how important our rink is to our community!

On Monday February 10th we will AGAIN be presenting this petition to the Culver City Council and asking Mayor Cooper to make sure 4545 Sepulveda blvd. stays an Ice Rink! Absolutely NO-Rezoning!

THIS IS A PUBLIC MEETING! We encourage you to show your support by joining us. Moms and dads bring your kids; teachers and faculty bring your students, and skating and hockey enthusiasts of all heights and ages, please join us!

City of Culver City City Hall 9770 Culver Blvd. Culver City, CA. 90232 7pm (Get there early if you’d like to speak)


The owners of the land on which the rink sits have refused The Culver Ice Arena’s owners’ offers for a new Lease.   The land owners are seriously considering alternative options for a new lessee. We want to do everything in our collective power to make sure that it stays an ice rink. With your support we are confident that we can make this a reality.

Our ice rink, which sits in the heart of screenland, has served thousands of skaters almost every day of every year for the past 52 years, since its inception in 1961. Little ones begin their Olympic dreams here, preteens and teenagers have a fun and safe place to hang out, parents and kids celebrate birthdays, schools and summer camps come for a skate, and adults take a skate down memory lane. Whether you’re just a beginning skater, figure skater or hockey player, this rink has been here for you. People from all over the city and around the world have skated here and thought of Culver Ice Arena as home.

The rink’s value to the community is immeasurable. It is priceless.  There are very few remaining recreational facilities left on the West Side and while Culver City is getting bigger and more sophisticated by the day, there is still enough space to keep the things that make raising children here rewarding and magical. It’s a big enough town for our future and our past.

It’s impossible to imagine Los Angeles and Culver City without an ice rink. Please sign and share our petition. Let’s, together, save our treasure.

Signera petitionen
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