Don’t enable Oil businesses to force Gorillas to Extinction

go with the flow: Joseph Kabila, President of the Democratic Republic of the Congo

aim: Don't put significantly endangered gorillas and other species at risk by permitting oil drilling inside the bargain of the Virunga and Salonga National Parks.

The Democratic Republic of Congo govt is discussing the chance of beginning up one-fifth of the first 99 online poker light Virunga National Park to oil exploration and drilling. This park, alongside with clinical Salonga National Park, is home to significantly endangered mountain gorillas, as well as bush elephants and an alternative endangered ape known as the bonobo.

participants of the DR Congo govt have talked about it is inside their rights to drill any place in the nation, however permitting oil agencies into these parks could pose a international risk by contributing to the around the local weather modification essential. If the cupboard approves the choice, up to 664 sq. miles of Africa's oldest movement reserve would be declassified and up for grabs for overseas oil organizations to make the most at will. these days Virunga National Park has remained closed following clash with poachers and kidnapping incidents in every single place this year, it is one of the few places mountain gorillas have survived fairly unscathed.

More have enough money be carried out each to protect these parks and to handle the turning out to be instability and violence inside of the vicinity. Sign under and call for that no drilling be allowed in these beautiful and wonderful parks.


pricey President Kabila,

The destiny of Virunga National Park, the oldest such reserve on the continent of Africa and home to 2-Jan of the world's mountain gorillas, is in jeopardy. If your govt movements forward with plans to open up components of this park and clinical Salonga National Park to oil drilling, common environmental destruction will nearly necessarily arise. That is why we, the undersigned, call for that you not open up any sections of these parks to oil exploration that would most definitely put endangered flora and fauna at risk.

Oil drilling in these parks will additionally free up enormous quantities of carbon dioxide into the ambience, which will give a contribution to international warming. For this reason,  and for the fitness of the gorillas and other living creatures that call these jungle-cloaked volcanic mountains home, we urge you to oppose all plans to enable oil exploration inside these parks and to do what you can to enhance balance and minimize clash inside of this afflicted region.

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