Demand the Biden admin stop Greg Abbott’s racist new power grab!

  • av: OD Action
  • mottagare: Department of Justice

Texas Governor Greg Abbott has crossed the line of decency and legality with his new expansion of police powers that essentially legalizes racial discrimination against Hispanic people.

His latest act would allow police to arrest anyone suspected of illegally crossing the border and authorize local judges to deport them in a direct challenge to the authority of the federal government and pushes the limits of how far states are allowed to go in enforcing flagrantly discriminatory anti-immigration laws.

Demand the Justice Department stop Greg Abbott's cruel new racial profiling scheme!

It's the most dramatic expansion of anti-immigrant powers since Arizona's infamous "Show Me Your Papers" bill in 2010, which the Supreme Court struck down as unconstitutional.

Given what we know about American police forces, these new powers will signal open season on people of color and terrorize an entire community for a cheap political stunt that is destined to fail. Abbott must be stopped.

Demand the Biden admin stop Greg Abbott's new anti-immigrant power grab!

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