Stop cruel puppy farms in Queensland .

Help put a ban on abusive puppy farms,  poor dogs are  kept in tiny cages sitting in their own filth with no love and no human contact while being forced to breed and give birth to litter after litter. This goes on for their 12 year life span until they are cruely killed because they can no longer have puppies. This cruel act is LEGAL. We plan to stop this. Greedy people are abusing dogs to get money off selling puppies that they force these dogs to have! It is disgusting and shameful to our country! it NEEDS to be made illegal and only registered breeders who look after their  dogs should be allowed to breed! stop the cruelty! these puppy farms are in your town and the puppy's that you see in pet shop windows are from these cruel farms! don't buy any puppy farm puppies from pet shops! adopt puppies from shelters and sign this petition to make this horrible act illegal!

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