The Massive Exploitation of Alberta Tar Sands (MEATS) currently consumes enough natural gas per day to heat 3 million homes and permanently fouls 400 million gallons of fresh water daily. That wastewater is pumped into immense tailing ponds rich in arsenic, cyanide, ammonia, cadmium, lead, mercury, nickel, zinc -- not to mention the biotical gumbo of hydrocarbons -- 75 square miles of tailing ponds, to date. If either the Keystone XL or Enbridge's Northern Gateway pipelines goes through the mining operations in Northern Alberta would increase at least 250% consuming enough natural gas per day to heat 7.5 million homes and permanently fouling 1 billion gallons of fresh water every day. If both the Keystone XL and Enbridge's Northern Gateway pipeline are built they will increase the Alberta tar sands operations ten-fold. Consuming enough natural gas per day to heat 30 million homes and permanently fouling 4 billion gallons of fresh water daily. The energy intense tar sands operations consume more energy in the extraction, transportation and refining processes than the final very dirty energy end-products produce but all of these combine to put more carbons into our atmosphere at a time when the rest of the world is trying to diminish rgeir collective carbon footprint.
This crime against humanity goes far beyond taking an area the size of England consisting of pristine boreal forests and turning that into an open wound oozing tar and other carcinogens that is easily seen from space, completely ruining some of the last untamed forests of the world and an area that makes up 35% of Canada's wetlands. And it is far more than releasing tons of greenhouse gases into our atmosphere at a time when we are trying to reduce those gases. This is the epitome of corporate greed and depravity that shows absolutely no regard for any other life on Earth. This is a modern day genocide being perpetuated by greed of the 1% upon the First Nations and other people living in the ever-more-toxic regions of Northern Alberta. The First Nations have borne the brunt of the havoc rained down upon man by this assault on nature in the First Nations spiritual headwaters lands. Boreal forests that were the birthing grounds of massive herds of woodlands caribou and 35% of Canadian wetlands that were the nesting grounds for thousands of North American species of birds all now stripped bare to the ground as far as the eye can see with over 75 square miles of toxic-waste ponds over-flowing with such a caustic and toxic mix they have to have propane cannons going off continuously to keep waterfowl from landing there. Clusters of cancers never seen in the region are now found hundreds of miles downstream from the operations, fish caught in lakes 20 to 30 miles away so deformed with tumors that they are unfit to eat and now First Nations and other people living a hundred miles downwind from the operations are being diagnosed with cancers of the blood. As the pipelines are built, these toxic conditions will continue to spread across man-made borders to addect us all. We must all put aside whatever contrived differences we may have and unite against this growing threat to our earth and humanity…
We, the peoples of the Earth have to say with one united voice... "ENOUGH!!! We will not allow you to further poison our land, water and air!" We call on all like minded peoples to unite, boycott the products of all companies now involved in or having speculative interests in any tar sands production, transportation or refinement processes and to promise to boycott Canada as a vacation destination and Canadian products until the Canadian government enacts restraints on said operations that threaten the health and well being of all peoples, our children and our grandchildren... I ask that all of like mind sign this petition and lend whatever support you can to all the peoples who have been fighting the devastating health effects caused by the present operations and to those fighting the expansion of the devastation which would occur if any new pipelines are built...
Steven D. Brewer Sr.
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