Donkey Ball Petition- End Cruelty on the Basketball Court!

Attention: Vermonters only asked to sign. Thank you for your compassion!

In Donkey Ball games, donkeys are often hit with basketballs, dragged, kicked, and/or punched by people who have little experience in handling these animals. This teaches our children that cruelty to animals is acceptable and amusing. Donkeys are sensitive, intelligent animals who deserve our protection, kindness and humane treatment.

These cruel games can also lead to player injuries, as these loud, stressful environments may cause the donkeys to act unpredictably out of confusion, fear and pain. This is a serious liability issue for the school. There are several cases in which participants have been injured, sued the hosts of these events, and won judgments 
in excess of $100,000.

There are many better and more creative ways for schools to raise money without traumatizing animals and putting the school in a situation in which it could be liable for injuries.

We, the undersigned, request this event be replaced with a humane fund-raising option immediately.
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