Animals are not things! Help us changing the status of the animals in Portuguese law.

  • av: Paula Di
  • mottagare: Ministry of Justice, Portugal

If you have the possibility to fight for those who love and defend it, affecting the way the world is governed. Do not waste your time because those who love us do not think twice when he defends you!

Supports the amendment of the legal status of the animal, to no longer be considered a "thing" in the Portuguese Civil Code.

"Whether [the animals] are unable or unwilling to think, what matters is that they are effectively able to suffer." by Jeremy Bentham (moral philosopher and law)

"It is common to recognize that many animals are endowed with a conscious mental life. They feel happy and feel pain. They have different types of sensory experiences, are able to feel fear, have anger or joy, act according to memory, desires and intentions" by Francisca Van Dunem (Ministry of Justice, Portugal)

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