Demand America’s prosecutors refuse to prosecute abortions!

The day we've all feared has finally come. An illegitimate and extremist Supreme Court has revoked the right to an abortion, immediately making the life-saving healthcare procedure illegal in 13 states. Many more are expected to follow suit in the next few weeks.

However, for abortions to be actually prosecuted as crimes, district attorneys will have to bring cases against them — which they don't have to do. It may put their careers in jeopardy, but people's lives are on the line and it's up to them to do the right thing.

Tell America's district attorneys: don't prosecute abortion patients!

There are countless reasons a woman might have an abortion, and every one of them is a valid expression of her personal agency over her own body. Since the religious zealots on the Supreme Court and red-state legislatures might not care about that, it now falls to the enforcers of the law to take matters into their own hands.

Thankfully, the ball is already rolling. 84 prosecutors across the country have already pledged to not prosecute abortions, representing 87 million people in 23 states. Let's tell the rest to join them!

Demand America's district attorneys refuse to prosecute abortions!

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