Alligator Wrestling is not Entertainment!

  • av: Kelsey Valois
  • mottagare: Florida Roadside fairs and other Animal death sites

Imagine, wading in a cool, green swamp one minute, then, a barrage of humans come out of nowhere, trampling everything in their path. Scratchy ropes tighten, and you are dragged across your home. In the scorching heat of a steel bar cage, scary white figures yank out your beloved claws and teeth. Then you are dragged again into yet another cage. All around you humans gawk at you and mock your misery. Then a man lunges at you, and twists you like a pretzel before throwing you down. You have lost complete control of your limbs.Adults, old, young, children, cheer for your killer.
No animal should live like that.
 That's a sample of animal cruelty exibited to animals in roadside attractions - like the alligator in the story.
Like, you imagined, alligators are taken from their natural habitat, declawed, and left defensles against a man who wants to 'prove' himself in front of a crowd of greedy humans. The alligators are twisted in posistions that are capable of breaking bones, or killing!
I want to stop this cruel practice.

 I need some more help, though. I don't know an exact location or fair that does alligator wrestling, so leave a comment if you know anything about one, thanks!

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