Stop the Roo Culls in Queensland!

Farmers' group AgForce is calling for a kangaroo cull in Queensland, claiming that the animals are devastating pasture and will soon starve to death due to a population boom.

The farmers claim that kangaroo numbers are increasing up to 45 percent a year, but Thinkk -- a kangaroo protection group based at the Sydney University of Technology -- says that is impossible. According to Thinkk spokesman Dr. Daniel Ramp, "Kangaroo populations naturally increase and decrease with environmental conditions and in many years mortality of young can be as high as 90 percent."

Killing kangaroos will not help the animal welfare cause, because families and their young will suffer when mothers are shot.

Please sign the petition to stop the kangaroo culls and instead urge the government to study the population before adopting drastic measures.

As you know, the farmers' group AgForce is calling for a kangaroo cull, claiming that the animals are devastating pasture and will starve to death due to a population boom.

The farmers claim that kangaroo numbers are increasing up to 45 percent a year, but Thinkk -- a kangaroo protection group based at the Sydney University of Technology -- says that is impossible. According to Thinkk spokesman Dr. Daniel Ramp, "Kangaroo populations naturally increase and decrease with environmental conditions and in many years mortality of young can be as high as 90 percent."

Killing kangaroos will not help the animal welfare cause, because families and their young will suffer when mothers are shot.

We respectfully urge you to stop the roo culls and instead properly assess whether the population is in fact booming. If needed, you should develop cruelty-free methods of controlling the population, such as sterilization. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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