Demand the Release of Hannibal Gaddafi from unlawful imprisonment in Lebanon.

    Hannibal Gaddafi is the son of the late Muammar Al Gaddafi. He was living in Syria until he was kidnapped by a Lebanese militia in 2015. The Lebanese government is not being clear as to why he is being held. It is known that Hannibal’s father was allegedly responsible for the disappearance f a Lebanese imam in 1978. Those charges have never been proven and Hannibal himself was two years of age at the time. The governments of Russia and Syria have been actively involved in the negotiations for Hannibal’s release. President Al Assad himself has been personally involved. However there has been a stalemate in the negotiations between President Assad and a Lebanese official. We demand to know what the charges holding Hannibal really are.Hannibal has suffered health and psychological issues resulting from his unlawful imprisonment. He has now begun a hunger strike in protest. We demand that he be released from custody and reunited with his family.
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