Ban Gun Ownership for Animal Abusers!

According to neighbors, the man who killed 17 people and injured up to 50 others in Parkland, FL in 2018, got his start hurting animals. Neighbors say he often attempted to kill their livestock. And classmates claim that he was obsessed with violence against animals and had an Instagram filled with posts of dead creatures.

Studies show that those that commit animal abuse are much more likely to resort to violence against humans. In fact, between 49% and 71% of women who experienced domestic abuse report that their pets have been threatened, harmed, and or killed.

And when investigators examined school shootings that took place across the country between 1988 and 2012, they found that nearly 50% involved perpetrators who had previously committed acts of animal cruelty.

The Parkland school shooter just further proves this link.

But despite that fact, convicted animal abusers can still purchase a gun, putting a legally acquired lethal weapon in the hands of someone who has demonstrated they have no respect for life. This madness must end and citizens like you can help.

Care2 needs your voice to make our country safer. Please join us and demand that Congress pass a bill banning those convicted of violence against animals from ever owning guns. We cannot continue to sit idly by allowing our politicians to get away with doing nothing. Please sign the petition and ask Congress to take action now!
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