Demand protections for the judges and other officials involved in Trump’s trials

  • av: Left Action
  • mottagare: Federal and State Officials

Many of the judges, jury members and other officials working on Trump's (numerous) trials have been subjected to threats of violence from Trump's MAGA mob. 

Just in the last couple of weeks, Judge Arthur Engoron, who is overseeing the civil fraud case in New York, received a bomb threat at his home. And Judge Tanya Chutkan, who is overseeing the federal election interference case, was the victim of a swatting attempt in which a fake emergency call was made with the goal of a large police presence and a SWAT team showing up at her home. 

These people need protection – immediately. The judges, jury members, and other officials are working hard to uphold our democracy and hold Trump accountable for his crimes. They don't deserve this cruel treatment and threats of violence. 

Join us to demand protections for the judges and other officials involved in Trump's trials >> 

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