Pot Belly Pig

The law needs to be re written for owner to have animals inside the city limits. There has been many changes. Some children want to be able to show animals for FFA. I bought my pot belly pig back in September 2015, I did not relieve that there was a law that stated that I could not have her but I could get permission to kept her. She stays in the fenced in yard with my dog and she acts and is treated as a dog. I would like to have permission to keep her as a pet. My children love her and they sleep with her. She has been spayed and taken to the vet. She has gotten groomed by the groomer in Temple. She does not bother no one and during the day she is kept in the house. Yes she is house trained. People would drive by and stop in the middle of the road and reverse to look at her. She is as big as my dog now. I would greatly appreciate it if I could receive a permit to keep her. If you do not mind me having her please sign my petition to where the city counsel of Rogers knows that you are in favor of me keeping her. Thank Terry Lawson.

The law needs to be re written for owner to have animals inside the city limits. There has been many changes. Some children want to be able to show animals for FFA. I bought my pot belly pig back in September 2015, I did not relieve that there was a law that stated that I could not have her but I could get permission to kept her. She stays in the fenced in yard with my dog and she acts and is treated as a dog. I would like to have permission to keep her as a pet. My children love her and they sleep with her. She has been spayed and taken to the vet. She has gotten groomed by the groomer in Temple. She does not bother no one and during the day she is kept in the house. Yes she is house trained. People would drive by and stop in the middle of the road and reverse to look at her. She is as big as my dog now. I would greatly appreciate it if I could receive a permit to keep her. If you do not mind me having her please sign my petition to where the city counsel of Rogers knows that you are in favor of me keeping her. Thank Terry Lawson.

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