We Demand an Investigation of Lewisburg Animal Shelter's Practices

  • mottagare:  City Manager (Tommy Engram) City Treasurer (Donna J Park) City Recorder/Secretary (Brenda M Brewer) Director of Economic Development (Greg Lowe) Accounting/Payroll (Wanda Adcock) Tax Clerk/Accounts Payable (Laura Jent) Admini

Over the last year, Lewisburg Animal Shelter has had many faults in its daily functions. They have refused to allow volunteers to assist them in the facility, refused to install much needed equipment, refused to repair the failing structure which has left animals within the facility open to the elements, and much more.

The most recent atrocity to occur, which has happened multiple times, they have put down every sponsored dog in their facility. They refuse to release why they continue this practice to this day. The dogs put down on July 18 2012 all had commits to be saved from the shelter. This makes no sense, because someone was rescuing all the dogs in the shelters care, paying the adoption fee, and relinquishing any responsibility from the shelter. Instead, they used tax payer money to put down every single dog!


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