Trump's Mother Russia? Tell the Department of Justice to Investigate.

Donald Trump wants Vladimir Putin and the Russians to hack Hillary Clinton's email.

Think about that: an American presidential candidate is asking a foreign government to interfere with the rights of an American citizen.

His inflammatory call is outrageous -- and it may be a felony.

Never in American history have we ever seen or heard a candidate for president make such a request of a foreign power.

Trump is actively encouraging Russia to interfere in our democratic process and calling on one of the world's most undemocratic leaders to tip the electoral scale in his favor. And it's not the first time that Trump's ties to Russia have raised concerns.

Americans cannot afford to dismiss Trump as a buffoon or even out of his depth. Donald Trump is the Republican Party candidate for president. With that honor, comes the highest level of responsibility to protect and defend the United States.

With so much at stake, we can't allow Trump to get away with these reckless and dangerous comments. The Department of Justice must investigate immediately.

Attorney Genreral Lynch:

I strongly urge you to investigate whether Donald Trump's comments violate US law and look into the legality of Mr. Trump's dealings with Russia and whether his business concerns may unduly influence his positions as a political candidate or, ultimately, as a president.

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