Demand the Scottish Government Enacts Laws to Protect Beavers

  • av: Georgina B.
  • mottagare: First Minister of Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon

Native wild beavers are meant to receive protection under European and Scottish law but farmers in Scotland are alleged to have declared 'open season' on them, according to a report on The

The Scottish Government and its wildlife agency are alleged to be ignoring farmers culling the beavers, and are actually "looking the other way."

Beavers in Scotland had been driven to the verge of extinction due to the fur trade but their numbers are now steadily increasing. This is a good thing - beavers work to improve the natural environment, as the story reports: "In California, beavers are also credited with restoring rivers, wetlands and watersheds, creating conditions for the return of Coho salmon and increases in their populations."

Beavers in Scotland deserve protection. Will you join me in urging the Scottish Government to enact a formal protection and education program to help farmers coexist with beavers?

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