Find who killed 25 cats and hung them in NYC subway station!

In a appaling act of cruelty, 25 cats have been left hanging in bags from a NYC subway station apprently having been beaten to death with objects such as baseball bats and metal pipes. Some had been kllled only 3 days ago but it seems this cruelty  had been going on for months with some of the cats already skeletanized.

A city cleanup worker discovered the cats on thursday, each tied in black plastic bags and hanging from tree branchs. Tension has been growing over cat feeding stations by locals who oppose having feral cats around their homes but no suspect has been found yet.

Such acts as these are typically not persued unless a suspect is known off the bat. Without support it is unlikely anyone will face justice for what they have done. Please sign this petition to show support for finding this heartless person! Hopefully a news metwork will pick up on this story and let more know the horrors that happened.

Do whatever you can to let the NYPD know this will not be forgotten. Sign this petition or flood their line with calls to show our support for finding this subhuman!

Uppdatera #110 år sedan
April 27- Ernest Lungaro, director of enforcement at the Westchester County SPCA, said necropsies of 3 of the cats indicated blunt force trauma to the skulls. A baseball bat, 2 shovels, and a metal pipe have been found near the site in a wooded area but its not clear is these are related to the crime. a $750 reward has been issued for info leading to a arrest.
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