Free the Houston Aquarium White Tigers!

  • av: Paige D
  • mottagare: Tilman J Fertitta, CEO of Landry's, Inc.

Four white tigers haven’t been outside for nearly their whole life.

After being bred in captivity, these tigers were sold to an indoor Aquarium located in Houston Texas.  The same company, Landry’s Inc, has another aquarium located in Denver, Colorado.  These tigers are forced to live in an enclosed concrete “show room” for visitors to come and gawk at.  When the tigers are not on display for guests, they are kept in horrible indoor confining cells.

“These dungeon-like conditions that the tigers are forced to endure at Houston’s Downtown Aquarium harm their physical health and psychological well being, and deny them much that is natural and important to a tiger.” 

- Dr. Jennifer Conrad, a veterinarian with the Animal Legal Defense Fund.

This is a cruel and inhuman way of life for these beautiful creatures.

Living on slippery concrete inhibits their ability to run, jump, and play like normal animals.

These tigers deserve to bask in the sunlight.  They deserve to run around and play on real grass.

This is no life for a tiger.  Animals are not show pieces, and don’t deserve to be treated as such. 

Please sign to tell the CEO of Laundry’s Inc. to relocate these white tigers to a sanctuary where they can run and play as tigers should. 

Dear Mr. Fertitta,

I strongly urge you to release your white tigers into a sanctuary.  A life on display on concrete is no life for a tiger.  Tigers deserve to bask in the sunlight and play in fresh air.

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