Stop Lena Fokina's practice of "Baby Yoga"

Millions of people around the world were left stunned when a video of Lena Fokina doing 'baby yoga' broke on the internet. The 51-year-old Russian was filmed spinning and flipping babies above her head and behind her back in such an outlandish fashion that several websites banned the footage for glorifying what to many would be considered child abuse. In fact, the moves were so shocking that most conceded they were being performed on a doll as no sane person would consider them acceptable.

Lena has been tracked down to a seminar called "Parenting the Deliberate Way" in Dahab, Egypt, where parents from across Europe have been paying her to perform the same moves on their infants, some just a few months old. But Lena, who is a qualified PE teacher in her native Russia, insists the practice is totally safe and actually beneficial to children.

Help stop these cruel actions upon innocent infants, who are clearly suffering by these practices! 

This is my first time staring a petition, so I would like anyone who can to help advise me to whoever can stop this. Now I only know, that with the power of the people, the ones who can help, will be willing to.

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