Investigate the killing of trans teen Brianna Ghey as a hate crime!

  • av: OD Action
  • mottagare: British law enforcement

Trans teen Brianna Ghey, just 16 years old, was found stabbed to death in a British park on Saturday, February 11th. The Cheshire constabulary has arrested two teens in connection with the horrifying killing, but so far say there is "no evidence" her gender identity had anything to do with it.

That's hard to believe, and Ghey's killing must be investigated as a hate crime. The hysterical anti-trans demonization campaign in the American and British right-wing media circles has stoked transphobia to a fever pitch, and outbreaks of anti-trans violence are the inevitable — and intended — result.

53% of trans people aged 18 to 24 Britain have experienced a hate crime or incident because of their gender identity in the last 12 months. Justice demands that Brianna Ghey's murder be investigated as a hate crime — and that governments of every nation work harder to protect our most vulnerable citizens from the consequences of right-wing bigotry.

Investigate the killing of trans teen Brianna Ghey as a hate crime!

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