Stop the suffering of elephant Noor Jehan at Karachi Zoo in Pakistan

  • av: Rita Claessens Elephant Freedom Fighters
  • mottagare: Metropolitan Commissionar KMC mr Syed Sjujaat Husain
Dear elephant advocates,
Young African elephant Noor Jehan is suffering tremendously at Karachi garden Pakistan.
Immediate and urgent action is to be taken action for a thoroughly medical examination and treatment.
The elephants in this zoo have since babies been cruelly housed and the staff who care for them are in no way properly trained. The major illnesses the elephants have had show proof of the terrible treatment they get, from rotting tusks to rotting feet, to mental anguish shown by their repetitive head and body swaying (stereotyping). Noor Jehan is almost immobilised as her joints in her back legs don't allow her to straighten them. It's a horror show watching such a young elephant looking so disabled, and fearing she might die.
We are deeply concerned about Noor Jehan's detoriating health condition. What even concerns us more is that one of their Spokesman trivializes her condition as being " normal" for captive animals and compares it with having an aching knee.

Noor Jehan's living quarters at the Karachi Zoo consist of a muddy yard with few logs scattered about and a smaller cage where she was forced to give rides to children for Rs20. The space is barren, with no shrubs, trees, or watering holes, not a single enrichment tool.

Noor Jehan, a 17-year-old endangered African elephant, is currently fighting for her life in the Karachi Zoo due to problems with her hind legs. The animal, who underwent a major tusk surgery last year, is once again in pain, and her condition has left her partially immobilized. According to zoo officials, the elephant developed the condition some two months ago and has been receiving treatment for the pain. However, experts say that she needs to be immediately relocated from the zoo to Safari Park.
Over the last 48 hours, Free The Wild has reached out to 3 international elephant experts who all expressed deep concern over Noor Jehan's welfare. Having studied the images and videos provided by Ansar Burney, these experts cannot specify the exact cause of her pain. She needs to be physically examined by reputable elephant expert vets and be treated immediately.

It's important to act now before it's too late. Two years ago, Free The Wild offered their help to the Karachi Government for these elephants, which was rejected, so now we're asking Karachi Metropolitan Corporation what they intend to do to make things right?

Please investigate and take immediately action. This is now getting worldwide exposed as being unacceptable cruel and as a matter of neglect and indifference.
Let's work together and do our best to support Noor Jehan and Madhubala, the other elephant at Karachi Zoo, by sharing the news and calling for immediate action.

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