Demand an End to Shell's Drilling In The Arctic

Recently Pres. Barack Hussein Obama approved the drilling in the arctic but complained about 'Climate Change'. We need to put a stop to this and demand President Obama and Shell Oil to stop drilling now. As some of you may know Climate Change has been affecting our Earth, our planet, our plants and also our skies really badly.

Pres. Barack Obama has the power to stop the drilling and help stop Climate Change once and for all. Below you can read more on these articles:,0,1577370.story

President Barack Hussein Obama you have promised about 'Climate Change' but have broke your promise to the American people and I think it's time to step up and protect the wild life animals. Shell Arctic Drilling will affect our pollution in the water and will have a better chance of an oil spill once again in our beautiful ocean. I demand you take this action now as you kept your promises to stop climate change once and for all.

Uppdatera #29 år sedan
So I'm guessing Shell didn't find any oil in the Arctic which it a great idea because we will no longer see the in the Arctic anymore. The Wildlife is now safe but hopefully they will keep their land for along time without a greedy company taking over it just for more money and more oil. Below you will see the link which you can copy & paste it if it doesn't show blue on it,
Uppdatera #19 år sedan
Thanks for signing and share my petition to stop Shell's drilling in the Arctic. We need a better future in order for us to stop climate change and it starts with all your help and support. Thanks once again because I couldn't done it with out you guys and gals. #SaveTheArctic
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